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About Us

Communication Cellular Mobile Towers Non-movable base and Movable base-(CoW)

Government of India, Ministry of Communication (Dept. of Telecommunication) has notified rules to regulate underground infrastructure (Optical Fiber) and over-ground infrastructure (Mobile Towers) Rules vide Notification dated 15th November, 2016, which was published in Gazette of India on 16th November, 2016.

A perusal of the notification by the Law Dept. shows that the SDMC being a local authority is covered under the definition of appropriate authority and it can exercise the powers with respect to framing of policies, terms and conditions within the rules framed by the Central Govt. and conditions governing the license u/s 430 of the DMC Act, 1957.

COW is a temporary structure and can be installed at Public places, Markets, Parks, on Road sides, Parking areas & Open spaces within Departments’ premises & any other place, as deemed fit.