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Fee Structure

Fee Structure - Cell Tower on Wheel Permission System

  • Administrative charges = Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten Thousand) per COW. (NON-REFUNDABLE)
  • A monthly rental charge for land allotted is Rs.339/- (Rs. Three Hundred Thirty Nine only) per sq.ft./ per month.
  • For COWs existing before issue of this Policy, telecom company/service provider, at the time of regularization within 30 days of notification of Policy, will have to pay arrears from the date of their existence with penalty @ 25% over and above the monthly rental charges,. If any COW is found installed without permission after 30 days of issue of this Policy then it shall be regularized after payment of penalty @ 50% over and above the monthly rental charges. The rental charges as well as the penalty will be charged on monthly basis. For date of existence of COW, the telecom company/service provider will have to submit an affidavit along with other requisite documents.
  • After issuance of permission letter by the SDMC, the telecom company/service provider should submit three months advance fee and two months of fee as security deposit. Security deposit will be refunded after expiry of the allotted period. If security is deposited in the form of Bank Guarantee then the validity of Bank Guarantee will be period of permission plus three months. The Bank Guarantee should be drawn on any Nationalised Bank within the jurisdiction of Delhi only.
  • Payment Terms: The advance amount equivalent to three months rental charges paid by the telecom company/service provider shall be adjusted towards the monthly rental charges for first three months in respective first three months.
  • Thereafter, the telecom company/service provider shall submit to the SDMC, the advance monthly rental charges per month for each site and other dues, if any, on or before 7th day of the month through online payments.
  • Non-payment of monthly rental charges and other dues within the prescribed date will constitute breach of the terms of permission and shall render the permission liable to be revoked. Besides, the telecom company/service provider shall pay an interest of 15% per annum on the amounts of permission and other dues payable remaining outstanding after the due date and falling in arrears. Interest shall continue to accrue till the monthly rental charges and other dues are finally squared up. Such interest shall be charged for the full month if the payment of monthly rental charges and other dues are not made by the due date with arrears, if any.In case, payment remain

Fee Structure - Cell Tower

Administrative charges

  • Administrative charges = Rs. 10000/- (Rs. One Thousand) per Tower (NON-REFUNDABLE) except on private building.

Fee for Towers Roof Top Tower (RTP)/ Ground Based Tower (GBT)/ Ground Based Mast (GBM) until January 1, 2015

  • For the period 08.04.2010 to 31.12.2014 Rs.150000/- for 5 years irrespective of sharing with effect from the date of Installation.
  • Prospective from 01.01.2015 for RTT/GBT/GBM Rs.200000/- for 5 years irrespective of sharring with effect from the date of installation.

Fee for Pole Sites per operaptor up to 12 Mtr. Height

  • Rs.20000/- for 5 Years with effect from 01.01.2016

Regularized illegal Mobile Towers

  • The mobile towers Installed without permission post-issuance of this Policy will be regularized as per rules alongwith the penalty @ 25% of the requisite permission fee as per clause 6 of the settlement policy of Cell Towers.